Does your child find it difficult to concentrate on one thing? There are many factors why children have difficulty in focusing, especially in the learning process. You probably want to teach your child something they need to learn while their young. The problem may be is that his attention span is very short.

Although it’s normal for children to get busy with common distractions, some children seem to be so distracted, they are hard to catch like mice. They are not just active but hyperactive. If that is the case, your child may be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. You may have thought that you might go to your local physician and get Adderall prescribed, but after thorough research decided the side-effects outweigh the benefits.

The good news is that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be dealt with through several natural solutions, and today we will go over the three ways to help improve your child’s focus. Let’s get started!

Three Top Focusing Techniques for Your Child

1. Proper Diet

Many people know that eating a healthy diet is good for your body and as parents, we know this is true as well for our children. However, today it seems like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is running rampant among children and several adults. Much of this has to deal with what we eat, and studies have shown that the food additives play a big factor in increasing these symptoms in both children and adults.Although it may seem difficult in our rushed society eating a diet that is not processed seems to be an ideal solution. It’s really quite simple, if it has more than one ingredient, it’s probably best not to eat that food. It’s been shown that many food additives that are used in the US today are toxic to our systems and even have been banned in other countries due to their harmful effects in the body.

Some doctors claim that you can reverse attention deficit disorder through your diet. This goes back to the principles of having unnatural ingredients in your foods and if you in turn remove these from your diet totally, and include proper dietary supplements that you can in turn be free from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

2. Focused Games and Visual Entertainment

Focused Games and visual entertainment can improve a child’s attention span greatly. Games like puzzles, chess, and Lego’s can stimulate your child mental clarity and learn on attention the detail. The point is here that they redirect their attention to a mind-stimulating activity. You as the adult only have to show your child the basic steps and then let them take over with these types of games.When it comes to visual entertainment, it’s been proven through studies that through that you can stimulate your brain to learn and concentrate using educational video-games. This helps your child to concentrate with their limited attention span when other ideas might come off as boring.

There are other visual educational ways to help teach children who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and many of these ways have been tried and tested by teachers who participate with these students first hand using color stimulus and other creative cognitive strategies.

3. High-Quality Focused-Based Sports

Hyperactive children seem to need to be everywhere at once and can’t sit still. By satisfying their need of exerting their energy this can be a God-send for parents. This will also let them expel their energy while letting them redirect their mental stimulation.

Exercise helps deal with those who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by raising the dopamine levels in the brain. Exercise has been effective to build self-esteem and teamwork within a co-op sports environment.There are many sports you can enroll your child in and you can try one at a time to see if they like it or not, some of these include tennis, gymnastics, wrestling, soccer, horseback riding, archery, and baseball.

However, one of the best sports to be involved in that will help improve mental clarity is martial arts. Martial arts trains you to be self-disciplined, respect yourself and others, and how to calm your inner self and shut out distractions in order for you to achieve total focus. There also is the part where you can use this as a means of self-defense, but the main objective is to first learn to metal clarity.


It may be tough to deal with a child who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but there is hope out there as you don’t have to run to the doctor and have your child put on drugs for a quick-fix. We’ve seen today that through diet, and proper entertainment, and high-quality focused exercise like martial arts that your child can retain and expand their concentration.

Have you considered which method will you try for your child today?